Session 10 – Ink Stained with Tears: Karbala Poetry and Its Enduring Impact on Collective Consciousness

Lecturer: Hasnain Walji Ph.D, Executive Director, United Global Initiative (affiliation at the date recorded)

Duration: 55 minutes

Date Recorded: July 2023

SubjectThis talk explores the profound impact of some renowned poets writing about  the tragic events of Karbala and how their works have inspired millions of individuals spiritually, socially, and politically.  It examines the role of poetry in capturing the struggle against injustice. The spiritual dimension is explored through the works of Rumi and Chishti, while the socio-political impact is analyzed through the verses of Iqbal, Jallandhari, Anees, Dabeer, and Josh Malihabadi amongst others. The paper highlights the unique contributions of each poet and demonstrates how their poetry commemorates Karbala, instills a sense of collective grief and remembrance, raises political consciousness, and advocates for social justice.  

Additionally, it discusses how the powerful examples set by these poets can serve as an inspiration for poets in English and other Western languages, empowering them to pen verses that resonate with and inspire upcoming generations in the West. By analyzing the enduring influence of these poets, the paper aims to encourage cross-cultural dialogue and the creation of new poetry that addresses the universal themes of justice, resistance, and compassion in ways that resonate with diverse audiences.

.msagha:hover { background-color: yellow; } Sponsored by the Jaffer Family Foundation of New York in memory of Marhum Mustafa Jaffer.

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