Session 2 – Life of Imam Hussain

Lecturer: Sarah Mokh, PhD student in Islamic Studies, New York University (affiliation at the date recorded)

Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes

Date Recorded: July 2022

Subject: This lecture will give an overview of the life of Imam Hussain and the members of the Ahl al-Bayt which precede him. It will summarize the intra-communal conflict in the formative period of Islam which culminated in the tragic death of Imam Hussain and his family and companions at Karbala.

Readings: Scroll down to next section below, entitled “The Narrative of the Life of Imam Hussain across Five Eras.”


Documentary on Ashura:
Karbala, The Geography of a History


The Narrative of the Life of Imam Hussain across Five Eras‍

Beta Version on The Narrative of the Life of Imam Hussain across Five Eras‍ (Del Mar, CA: Farthest Lote Tree Publications, 2022).

A specially researched and written historical narrative work on the life of the Imam undertaken by researchers at the Project on Shi’ism and Global Affairs. As an ongoing project, the narrative will be transformed into a book on the life of the Imam. We appreciate all feedback and comments on the literature as the work is under development.

The life of Imam Hussain is generally narrated — if at all — on the last few months of his life, culminating in his martyrdom on the plains of Karbala. However, Imam Hussain was over 50 years old when he was martyred. He was born while the Prophet Muhammad, his grandfather, was still alive, and he was raised in his shadow.

He witnessed the turbulent leadership battles following his grandfather’s death, the political opposition and sharp protest speeches of his mother, Sayyida Fatima, the short-lived caliphate of his father, Imam Ali, and the brief rule and subsequent virtual house arrest of his brother, Imam Hasan.

Through this ongoing work, we are working to bring to life Hussain’s story through a historically rigorous and engaging literary narrative that focuses on the longer arc of the Imam’s life: his character, his values, and how he expressed those in the historical context of his time. His message is as relevant for humanity today as it was during his own historical period. Hussain’s voice was not lost in the year 680 C.E. when he was martyred — it remains an Ark of Salvation and Lamp of Guidance for all those who strain to hear it.

The Life of Imam Hussain narrative has been presented in five distinct parts, which each part containing detailed stories of important events and moments of the Imam’s life:

  1. Imam Hussain and the Prophet Muhammad: The Birth and Early Childhood of Hussain
  2. Imam Hussain and Imam Ali: Fighting Rebellion and Preserving the Secret of Muhammad
  3. Imam Hussain and Imam Hasan: Strategic Patience and Adversity in the Face of Imposed Peace
  4. Imam Hussain’s Imamate: Dignity, Sacrifice, and the Politics of Protest
  5. The Journey to Karbala: The Lamb of Allah, the Greatest Sacrifice, and the Martyrdom of Imam Hussain

Read the Life Narrative of the Imam here:

Visit the Life of Imam Hussain research and educational platform by clicking the icon above or the following link:


The Story of Hussain | Battle of Karbala

.msagha:hover { background-color: yellow; } Sponsored by the Jaffer Family Foundation of New York in memory of Marhum Mustafa Jaffer.

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